Monday, November 28, 2005

Dawn Perfumed by a Shower of Cold

The past few days have been so chilly. The fog refuses to let in any sunlight. I've been faintly shivering everywhere I go, including the top of the Berkeley's Tower, the Campanile, this afternoon on a whim. After running out of things to do at work (sometimes it pays not to be efficient), I happened to pass the base of the Campanile and decided to pop in to see if I could go up to the top. The tower is in fact open for free to students everyday that the University is open. I got a ticket and had a nice chat with the elevator girl on the way up and down. I guess it is an easy job as long as you don't suffer from claustrophobia. The view was a bit obscured by the sky's general grayness, but I could still see clear down Telegraph to Oakland and peer at the distant blue hills that poke out of the water of the bay. I also finally figured out where the outdoor pool is on campus, all sparkling blue with no brave swimmers in sight.
Yesterday I said goodbye to my visiting space cadette. We ended up spending a lot of time studying, which is just what we both needed: a working vacation. But we did squeeze in a visit to the MOMA where I saw Joan Miro's painting, pictured there to the left. How I wish we could have some "Dawn Perfumed by a Shower of Gold".

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