Sunday, December 18, 2005

A fish no longer!

Hullo, home at last for the winter break. It's colder here in Houston than in Berkeley, strangely enough. My dad was scouring stores for a space heater for one his tenant and could not find one--all sold out! After taking a peek at my calendar I realized how little time I really did have here. Must make the most of it...and study for a diversity competentcy exam to test out of a class. Arg, looks like i'll be at the Univ. of Houston library.

In light of the brevity of the MSW program--four semesters--I do believe I have completed my freshman semester. Yea, on to becoming a sophomore! Reflections on my introduction to graduate school as follows:

- I should study more and not just the week before finals;
- I found that I can make it living in a coop--I am a communal animal after all;
- School is what you make of it, and I have room to grow;
- "B" does not equal "Bad";
- It is good to have a balanced life: socializing is important;
- Pre-social workers are great people;
- Crunch time is when you eat pizza for more than one meal in a day and on days on end;
- I can make it living in a new place! California is a beautiful place.

Ok, not so profound of a post, but this is all I can muster from the commotion inside the coffee shop where I am snatching a high-speed internet connection. I think I must leave before I am tempted to buy a pastry. It smells so good in here!


Kendra said...

thank you for these reflective thoughts. I guess I have just finished my "junior" semester. I should think about the brevity of this program more often, usually i'm just thinking of what a crazy person being in school makes me. (yet i love it...hmm)

Tinky/Caddy said...

It took me about 4 times that long to figure out those profundities, glorious girl.

Can't wait until the next visit; in the meantime, please keep writing whenever you have the chance!

jennifer said...

thanks thanks for all the nice comments. grad school does tip the balance on life, doesn't it? but it will be over before we know what hit us.

as for grades, we can look them up though bearfacts. the grades ouch a bit.

cyathula said...

man, your friends are so positive, maybe i should be too, haha

we need to meet up for austin!