Did you know that today was National Pancake Day? It may be no more than a marketing ploy by IHOP (Natl. Pancake Day:IHOP::Mother's Day:Hallmark) but some friends and I decided to take up the call to enjoy free pancakes for the carbo-happy goodness that they are. Well, having traversed San Pablo into Emerryville, we found that our nearest IHOP had a sign that bore the words "NO FREE PANCAKES" in pink highlighter. Not taking this poor attempt at sign-making too seriously we entered to investigate. Ah, there behind the cash register was a marker board that also read the same, yet there on the counter was a welcoming sign declaring free pancakes in celebration of the day. Uh? We asked to see the manager. The host went to inquire on our behalf. He came back. He told us that the manager had told him, "The sign should be enough." One of my friends, with violent tendancies, took pictures of the signs and the host called us cheap. She snapped back that we were poor students and shouldn't be expected to pay for pancakes when they should be free. In an case, it was a good thing that we left, otherwise IHOP might have had an intermittant explosion on their hands. We were all a bit stunned at the injustice of how rudely we had just been treated. We later relocated at Mel's and enjoyed excellent service and tasty, if not free, pancakes. What was the lesson that we learned from this?
IHOP is the man?
Everything comes at a price?
or maybe...
Friends don't let friends pay for pancakes that should be free.
In unrelated news that have nothing to do with pancake day besides having occurred on the same day, I've been trying to return all the books from inter-library loan that I have checked out for my research assistant job. The borrowing services office called me not to long ago to tell me that I have stuff checked out that was due back in November and the school has been paying fines on all my overdue books. When I went in to check on my status they asked me my last name and when I furnished it the librarian replied with my first name. Eek, you know it's bad when the librarians recognizes your name.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
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Next they'll be putting out an entire shelf in your honor, little delinquent.
(Try to ignore my own late notices, 'til the library starts bringing it by putting special holds on my student registration).
That too is the stuff of grad school. So many books checked out from libraries all over the place that it is hard to keep track of them. Buried in books!
damn pancake grubbers.
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