Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bello, bellisimo.

Life proceeds uneventfully. Spring is coming. The sun shines more warmly each day, though trees still poke their empty branches against the bright blue skies. School has just begun and I find myself taking the minimum of classes, leaving me with perhaps far too much loose time on my hands. Hmm, or just avoiding the productive activities I should be doing, like searching for a job and working on my research project. Anyway, so one of my time-filler activities was visiting flea markets and farmer's markets. This medieval weapon of a broccoli came from a farmer's market in Oakland. A "Romanesco" the seller said. How do you even eat this puppy, I don't know.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Where angels fear to tread

Berkeley. Again, but this time to finish off my last semester of graduate school. To know that I have to discover for myself what is important in my life. To know that there are no easy answers as to what I am supposed to do with my education or career. These few days of just my internship at CPS without classes has given me a taste of what the next 2 years of my life will be like. What will I do with myself when I no longer have school and assignments to occupy my hours when I'm not at work? Hmm. I think this was how I got into knitting and gardening in the past. What will my life look like in the next year? Will I like it?

I've spent the last few days walking around at the Berkeley Marina and here are some pictures taken during these strolls with the aid of my cell phone. That is why they are a bit washed out and funky, but this is what it looks like in this city where I live.

Incidentally, I've been reading Forster's A Passage to India, and feel pensive over how culture and race are so mixed in with miscommunication and inabilities of humans to understand one another. I know, I need to switch to reading more comics or something, huh?