Sunday, February 12, 2006

Fun and Fett

Well, the Wonder Con was more fun than you can shake a stick at! People went all out their costumes. Notable sightings--besides the Fett family pictured above--included Elvis Storm Trooper, Alien and Predator, the cast from Pirates of the Carribean, Wolverine, various Ghostbusters, Hello Kitty, Sesshomaru, and a cross-dressing Rei from Evangelion. Fantastico! And that does not include the other attendees who wore things like corsets just to be weird. I got to meet Michael Chabon, who actually lives in Berkeley. He, upstanding citizen that he is, wouldn't sign the library copy of one of his novels that I happened to be carrying, but he did sign a free comic that he was handing out. Cool beans, all the same. My friend--code name Alen--kept running into people from his air force base as well, one of them being Sesshomaru!
Afterwards we trekked to volunteer with the Chinese New Year parade, which was ok. Too much lag time between floats and bands and not enough cultural competence. Seriously, there is more to Chinese culture than lions, drums, and silk outfits. Alas, this is America--not Asia. But what a full day nonetheless. My feet were killing me slowly, but I always have the best sleeps after a day so full that my feet ache. Long Live Chewy!

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