Sunday, September 24, 2006


Weekends are of absolute necessity. I feel rejuvenated and prepared for the coming week. Why you ask? Well let's see:

- Returned and bought shoes. Also a semi-court-worthy looking bag that looks like my mom's purse. Need to curb impulse to buy things in the name of internship, though professional clothing is of necessity. (Yes, lacking nothing else worth posting, I have posted a pic of my purchases.)
- Went to be a subject in a psych experiement. More like pre-experiment that was just to train a girl to be familiar with how to use an electrode cap and use the brain reading software. Wore a swim cap thing with 64 electrodes attached. Had electrode gel squirted into my hair to increase conductivity. Cap harnessed to my chest with a rainbow elastic band. I looked like something out of Napoleon Dynamite. Got to see ranbow lines of my brain waves. Peaked when I blinked and whenever I looked over at my co-subject. Then experimenter washed my hair in a salon sink they have in the lab. Random! Earned $30. Random!
- Went to Hawaiian Film festival in South San Fran. Hawaiian cultural center in a quaint neighborhood of crowded houses. Sawone film about Puana Leo, movement in Hawai'i to provide immersion school in Hawaiian to kids from preschool through high school. Also saw film on attempts of local Hawaiians to reclaim their streams, long diverted by American plantation owners to grow sugar cane. To grow taro and bring back local fish. To eat traditional foods once again. Also had a spam sushi thing that was actually pretty good.
- Cooked spaghetti squash. Turned out nice too!
- Attended softball practice. Still can't catch a thing - more often that I accidently bonk the ball on myself - but am ok at bat.
- Cooked dumplings for a class potluck. And even made the dipping sauce. Ha, no sodas and forks for me.

Ok, so nothing profound in this post. Just recalling events that made me happy. Because every moment in between those activities was spent in reading. reading, reading. Which is now what I must get back to in a vain attempt to finish it all. Ah weekends!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

snazzy! maybe you could audition for Law and Order now....