Friday, September 15, 2006

Do you know where your children are?

So, have just completed my first week of interning with a California county's child preotective services. Phew. Many mixed emotions. Fear, being one of them. Petrification. Is that a word? Hearing stories about child abuse, and especially sexual abuse, disgust and terrify me. Hmm. And then there is the dread of the bureaucracy. Supervisor upon superviror. Diplomacy in who you approach and how you talk to them. Discretion. What about competence? How the hell do I learn how to make correct judgments in children's best interests? My god, what responsibility! And court! Testifying before belligerent lawyers. Eeep!

That's the general malaise that clouds my mind thus far. Splendid, I know.

Ah, I have also started up with our intramural Social Welfare softball team, Social Workers Gone Wild. And though I have always thought of myself as the opposite of an athlete, I must say that I love playing softball. Who knew that catching balls and hitting them could be so much fun. Having never played in my life I am pretty much the worst player on our team, but we have such a great time it doesn't matter. We were tossing balls around and ended up playing a pickup game with the IM umpires. Networking good relations, right? Fantastic fun. I went out and bought a glove and baseball shirt tonight. Woohoo! Oh, and the title of this post is what the team captain suggested we stick on our shirts. heeeee.
In light of everything, my goal for this semester is self care. I need to take care of my psychic health. Therefore...apartment, yoga, softball, opera (watching, not singing), good food, positive socializing. Live life, right? And live it well.

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