Friday, November 24, 2006

give thanks for black friday

Chinese Theater in Hollywood, cultural competence anyone?

Downtown public library. The quote on the building says, "Books alone are liberal and free. They give to all who ask. They emancipate all who serve them faithfully."

Metro! The subway.

Happy Black Friday from LA! Well, let me start from the top, eh? All alone in Berkeley for Thanksgiving--my sis took off for home--and looking forward to a bleak few days all by my lonesome...and my roommate was nice enough to invite me home with him southward to spend time with his family. So, I finally got to explore the southern end of Cali with a warm, welcoming family. It was quite a mess up to that point, trying to slug out a research proposal draft in 2 days then returning home to try to scramble together a acorn squash pie from scratch (which came out smashingly by the way; lots of fun boiling and scrapping squash; but just a tad heavy on the cloves). We didn't set off until quite late; this six-hour vehicular travel adventure, which was made possible through the magic of cd recorded music. Got in at 12:30. Met the family dog, a puggle, which even now greets me with high energy leaping and pant biting.

The next day enjoyed the sun and scrubby mountains on the way to my roommate's aunt's house where she prepared a very gourmet Thanksgiving meal. Never had a homecooked meal where I sat around a table with three different glasses and three different plates, and all kinds of silverware. Very fancy! The family was also very nice and had a pleasant conversation with a grandma. Absolutely stuffed on food and pie, we tripped away to see a movie at a mall, classic aLA I take it. We saw Happy Feet, a weird animated movie about penguins that was kinda all over the place, though very cute. Then wandered the empty mall and played on the plushy indoor playscape. I think malls are way more enjoyable when they are empty. Came back, watched some Jaws, and had a weird dream about my family fleeing an earthquake from our rainforesty/wooden stilt house in a Buick.

Today, Black Friday. Ads galore advertising all the amazing deals on electronics for which ppl lined up all night to take advantage of. Avoided the madness with a late start. But set off for a driving adventure. Santa Monica, Malibu, Highway 1o1, Pepperdine U., UCLA, Sunset Blvd., MacArthur Park, La Placita, and Hollywood. Most enjoyed from the window of the car, but much to be enjoyed also by subway. Wee! Then another movie, but of course, the Departed, a the Chinese Theater (not very culturally competent, I might add, but whatever). Movie much the drama, very Hollywood with intense acting. Then exit theater to a mall. Ahh. A mall with enourmous statue elephants. Too much! I feel like I need to read a book. Hee.

1 comment:

Tinky/Caddy said...

"need to read a book" english major you