Monday, May 04, 2009

Social working

I've had to begin the process of telling my clients that I won't be their social worker anymore. For some clients I'm cheering inside, but for others I am really sad to have to leave them. Probably more sad than they are. I've been in some denial about the whole termination process and I how I feel about saying goodbye to clients, my old position and the work I did, my fabuloso coworkers. I tried to meet one teenage client to tell him I'd be leaving and he took off once he saw me, in some denial about his own impending emancipation. I went to another home visit today and saw a kid and her grandma. Two very fun things that came from it.

1. She wanted to sit up close to me to tell me about a boy she has a crush on in her 5th grade class. Then she told me I smell like peaches.

2. Conversation between her and her grandma.

Kid: Grandma, I have something to tell you.
Grandma: Well, what is it baby? Something bad?
Kid: I had a stomach ache today in school and I felt dizzy. But then I told my teacher and it went away.
Grandma: Oh, that's all. That's normal. I thought you was going to tell me something really bad happened. Did you poop? Did you need to poop?
Kid: No, I pooped before it started hurting.
Grandma: Alright sweety.

Aw, how do you say goodbye to that?


TNK said...

the student assistant at my office told me i smelled good today and we figured out it's b/c i'd just eaten gingerbread cookies.

about your earlier post, i didn't know you knew that word (can't remember when/where i learned it myself). had to read "queef" a few times before i burst out laughing

TNK said...

dee says "what's up queefy", w/ luv =)

jennifer said...

ahh queefdom!

TNK said...

when are you back from vacation? can't wait to phone you, loving all the book reviews meanwhile