I'm sorry for this odd request because it might get to you too urgent but it's just the situation of things right now, we are presently stuck in Wales,United Kingdom. we came down here on vacation. we were robbed, worse of it is that bags, cash and credit cards was stolen at GUN POINT, it's such a crazy experience for us and we need help with flying back home, the authorities are not being 100% supportive but the good thing is we still have our passports but don't have enough money to get on a plane back home, please we need you to loan us some money till we are back home to refund it back.
And here's what a friend alerted me to at 4am (I've placed where I got online and began typing in brackets):
4:04 AM me: how have you been?
4:05 AM j: i've been good ... what are you dreaming?
4:06 AM me: did you got my msg?
j: mmm... no.. what message?
4:07 AM me: am not good at the moment am stuck in Wales
4:09 AM I came here to visit a resort and got robbed at a gun point,my money and stuffs was stolen,am lucky i still have my passport here with me
4:11 AM j: :S ... what a mess
but are you ok?
me: yeah
4:12 AM i have been to the embassy and consulate they are just delaying all i need now is a financial help with getting on plane back home
can i ask for a favor?
4:13 AM j: sure, what do you need?
me: can you pls loan me some cash to complete my ticket fee till am back home to return it to you
4:14 AM $600 is all i need more
4:16 AM j: no problem, or i can pay the ticket for you
4:17 AM me: you can get it to me here using western union,all you need is just my name as written on my passport and the location here
Location:Wales,United Kingdom
4:18 AM am glad you can help
[was that you?]
4:19 AM It's me Jennifer
[did you just send me a text message about my gmail account?]
4:20 AM [?]
4:21 AM How long will you get it done?
4:23 AM you there?
j: yes i'm here ...
me: [is someone using my acount]
4:24 AM j: eh?
me: [something strange is going on]
4:25 AM j: you are confusing me, are you ok?
me: the network sucks here
4:26 AM [i didn't just type that]
[i think someone hacked my gmail account]
j: ?
So, yes, I was online typing while the hacker was typing too! I can understand someone spamming with my email, as evil as that is, but impresonating me to chat up my friends?! That is like a whole different level of insidiousness. I later found my facebook account was closed, probably because someone alerted them about someone using it. I heard from a friend that the hacker was also impersonating me on facebook, chatting with friends and trying to convince them I was in Wales. Oi. I mean, not super sophisticated, but opportunistic I suppose. My close friends caught on very quickly that this was a scam, but some people I haven't talked to in a while where confused and freaked out for me. It's nice to know people still care about me after so much time, but not ok that they had to go through with that kind of emotional trauma. Grr! I was so mad that someone would do that to my friend. Thankfully none of my finance had been tampered with, but I did an overhaul of all my passwords to be safe. I'm done with my old buggy laptop. Considering getting a Mac. Taking a break from facebook until I don't feel like a walking victim. Or so violated. Ugh.
But...but...think of the dandelions in Farmville!!! -_-!
I have had this done to me also, be so careful of any emails you click on also. Best wishes.
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