Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Like a burning ring
A while back I got this itchy spot on my neck like a mosquito bite. I put some insect creams on it but it kept growing. Finally it got to be about a centimeter in diameter and I got to poking around at pictures of rashes on the internet. So I self-diagnosed myself as having psoriasis, nummular eczema, or ringworm. I called an advice nurse who said she couldn't tell what it was over the phone and suggested I try an antifungal cream for a week and see if that worked out. She asked how that sounded to me. I was not impressed and asked to see my doctor. So my doctor takes a peek and says it doesn't really look like ringworm and I should try a topical steroid cream and see if it gets better. Or worse. I was like, this is the best plan out there? So I tried the steroid cream for a few days and yep, my little rash turned into a clear red ring. Ringworm! Guh. So I sent my doctor a picture and she got me an appointment with a dermatologist likety split. The dermatologist took a skin scrapping, peeked at it under a microscope and confirmed what I had originally thought. Fungus ring! The dermatologist was really helpful, though, and reassuring. Of all the rashes to get, this one is not so bad because it is so easily treatable. Likely source of contagion: children and animals. Oh you look so cute, but you are incubators of ringworm spores! So eww. I'll be slathering myself with jock itch cream for the next three weeks. FUN FACT: ringworm (misnomered as it is not a worm at all) is the same fungus that causes jock itch and athlete's foot. Fancy.
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