Sunday, October 26, 2008

March of the Aunties!

Mist eats the Golden Gate Bridge

Omg, sunshine! In Muir Woods

Only you can prevent...environmental degradation that will wipe out of national forests and wildlife.

Mist eats Sausalito!

Aw, shops so cute I could eat them up like a cupcake.

Ah, this weekend was spent in the company of indomitable aunties! One from Australia and another two from Malaysia are currently touring America, visiting relative scattered all over. This was their first stop on their tour of relatives. My cousin and I took them sightseeing to Fisherman's Wharf (again, I can't seem to get away from that place!), Chinatown, the Golden Gare Bridge, Muir Woods, and Sausalito. We only went places where you can prove you went through the purchase of t-shirts, keychains, shot glasses, or snow globes. But it was actually kinda nice and it was really nice just shuttling around the aunties, some very spirited ladies that remind me of my mummy, and then some. Don't you love fighting your relatives to pay the check at restaurants? No shouting, no scuffle, no face!

Friday, October 17, 2008


I got this bread cutie at Fisherman's Wharf yesterday. My work unit had an off-site meeting, where we caught the ferry at Jack London Square to the pier at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. I was reluctant to go at first--as going to FW twice in a year is really enough for one lifetime--but I was pleasantly surprised! It was actually warm and sunny, which was never the case in previous visits. In the past it was gray, cold, wet, smelly, and crowded. It was still crowded, but otherwise nice to be out and not in an office. And the shrimp at Bubba Gump Shrimp was really quite nice. I'm not sure I came away with hugely renewed energy for work, but maybe a nice respite and a carbo cutie. You are so cute I could eat you!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

the grip!

so i'm home with body aches and chills. i desperately hope it is not the flu but the symptoms are not so promising. just when i got a notice in the mail about free flu shots... my sense of smell seems dulled to everything smelling metallic. is that a symptom of the flu too?

in other news, my peeping neighbor moved out this past weekend. I went to a meditation retreat on sunday where we talked about compassion and when I reflected on everything i still had a hard time with showing this guy any compassion. boo. i hope this brief episode in my life is over. the guy did only move to the next street over. and with no more supervision it sounds like than he had here. hmm, his new neighbors won't know what they're getting...

oi, back to wild. fevered dreams.