Monday, August 31, 2009

De colores...

The most amazing sight on this trip was of this waterfall I saw on a boat ride in the Canyon of Sumidera.


A family that shared morning tortillas with us.

Colorful streets and houses

Where am I?

The Mayan ruins of Palenque

Ooo, ruins.

Ah, the beautiful falls of Agua Azul.

Amazing blueness.

A view of San Cristobol from high up at a church on a hillside.

All the whippets, sad to be ushered into the house and not be going on a car ride.

Chichanpec! He was the smallest of the pack of dogs and also the most afraid of people. No wonder since mother of the friend I stayed with found him in her yard one day when the neighbor threw him over the fence.

I'm finally back in Oakland and when officially back to work today. It was very hard to go back as I miss my vacation already and I got a cold that has had me hacking and coughing all day. In the evening I was so tired I just crashed for about an hour, but roused myself up enough to make some vegetable soup with rice. Here is a small collection of some of my photos from the trip. The last few days were spent in strolls through the city of San Cristobol de las Casas, enjoying the cobblestone streets lined in colorful houses, poking into papelerias, and buying handmade souvenirs like little Zapatista dolls and wool toys. I ended left with more pesos than I had planned and snapped up some more souvenirs and a book in the airports as I hopped home. It's nice to be back in my own warm bed, but like with any trip, it feels strangely like I had never left. Oh how wiley traveling is, those huge jumps in consciousness when you are suddenly somewhere new and miss home, but then the feeling of almost transmografication when you are home and it was like you never left.


TNK said...

i'm sick as well, since before and after i went on vacation. why must we be twins in this way, boo

jennifer said...

haha, make it stop!

TNK said...

hey, you never write =) same here, but i also hardly do any non-homeworky reading nowadays and i miss your blog.